Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Batam - Hari Pertama - Jambatan Barelang

Barelang Bridge (IndonesianJembatan Barelang) is a chain of 6 bridges of various types that connected the Barelang island group of Riau Archipelago built in 1997. The smaller islands of Tonton, Nipah, and Setotok (considered parts of the Batam island group) connect Batam and Rempang, while a further small island - Galang Baru - is connected at the southern end of the chain. The entire Barelang region covers 715 square kilometres (276 sq mi).[1]

Some locals call the bridge Jembatan Habibie after Jusuf Habibie, who oversaw the project in construction, aiming to transform the Rempang and Galang islands into industrial sites (resembling present-day Batam).[2][3]

The concept design for the 6 bridges were proposed by Bruce Ramsay of VSL. Habibie had requested that the designs should be based on a variation of different structural bridge types, in order to introduce & develop new bridge design & building technologies for the Indonesian market. Over time the bridge sites have grown more into a tourist attraction rather than just a transportation route.[4]

The full stretch of all 6 bridges total to 2 kilometres (1.2 mi). Travelling from the first bridge to the last is about 50 kilometres (31 mi) and takes about 50 minutes. Construction of the bridges started in 1992 and took names from fifteenth to eighteenth-century rulers of the Riau Sultanate.[2]

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Selepas jenguk Masjid Sultan Riwayat Shah kita orang pi Icon tersohor Batam iaitu Jambatan Barelang.

           Posing ramai-ramai dulu dengan banner Persona Kepri. Ni wajib aktiviti. hehehehehe

Ala-ala panca sitara gitu.

 Kalau tenguk ada iras-iras jambatan putrajaya tak. Tapi aku tenguk cam jambatan kat muo je. hehehe

Tempat posing ni memang ramai je orang nak posing jadi memang tempat panas dan hot sesiapa yang datang ke Batam. Dah le memang tengah panas masa ni. hehehehe

Keindahan icon tersohor Batam

Tak berani nak ambil dari tengah sebab banyak kenderaan lalu-lalang.

 Ada macam-macam gerai kecil berjualan. Ada jagung lah air lah emm apa lagi ya aku pun tak tenguk. Lepas tu kami pun naik bas untuk check in Hotel. Badan dah bau asem sebab dari seharian berjalan dari KL hingga Batam. Syssssss diam-diam udahle ye. 

1 comment:

  1. Saya berangan hendak berkunjung ke negara jiran yang terdekat ni, tapi belum sampai rezeki untuk ke sana.
